Node Connectivity

There are 76 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type KnimeConnection.

Text to Spark Deprecated

Reads text into a Spark DataFrame/RDD

Spark to Avro Deprecated

Converts an incoming Spark DataFrame/RDD into an Avro file

Spark to CSV Deprecated

Writes a Spark DataFrame/RDD into a CSV file

Spark to JSON Deprecated

Writes a Spark DataFrame/RDD into a JSON file

Spark to ORC Deprecated

Converts an incoming Spark DataFrame/RDD into a ORC table

Spark to Parquet Deprecated

Converts an incoming Spark DataFrame/RDD into a parquet file

Spark to Text Deprecated

Writes a Spark DataFrame/RDD into a text file

Create Spark Context (Livy) Deprecated

Creates a new Spark context via Apache Livy.

Active Learning Loop End 

The loop end node for an active learning loop.

Active Learning Loop Start 

The loop start node for an active learning loop.