Node Connectivity

There are 221 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type FileStorePrefixURIPort.

Port to File Cells 

Turns a port object into a table with cells storing files.

File Exporter 

Writes files from a URI file port to a specific location.

Output File 

Saves the incoming file to a specified folder.

Output Files 

Stores the incoming files in a selected folder with user specified file name.

Output Folder 

Copies all the incoming files to the given output folder.


Converts a MIMEFile into a table

File Viewer 

Plain text view of any file.


Converts mzTab files into tables holding the small molecule and meta information.


This node reads all consensus elements from the TextExporter node into a KNIME table.


This node reads all feature elements from the TextExporter node into a KNIME table.