Node Connectivity

There are 35 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type SeesarProject.

NoOp (Generic Port) 

A “no operation” node.

SeeSAR Interactive GUI 

Use SeeSAR interactively, taking advantage of all its features, namely Inspirator, Molecule Editor, Docking and Analyzer.

SeeSAR Project Writer 

Write SeeSAR project to file.

Affinity Calculator (HYDE) 

This node assesses the affinity of protein-ligand complexes with HYDE.

Docking (FlexX) 

This node docks or optionally overlays onto a given template.

Ligand-Set Splitter 

Splits a ligand-set into its components

LSD Writer 

Writer for LigandScout LSD-Files

Model Writer Deprecated

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Model Writer 

Writes KNIME model port objects to a file.

Model to Binary Object 

Converts a model to a binary object cell.