

Uncategorized nodes

This category contains 17 nodes.

Flow Variable IF Switch (Flow Variable Value) Deprecated

This node provides an IF switch which selects the active port based on the comparison of a flow variable with a user-entered value. The comparison […]

Flow Variable IF Switch (Flow Variable Value) Deprecated

This node provides an IF switch which selects the active port based on the comparison of a flow variable with a user-entered value. The comparison […]

Input Group Combiner Node 

A node that combines two groups of input tables into one group of output tables

XGBoost Linear Ensemble Learner Deprecated

Learns a linear model based XGBoost model.

XGBoost Linear Ensemble Learner (Regression) Deprecated

Learns a linear model based XGBoost model.

XGBoost Tree Ensemble Learner Deprecated

Learns a tree based XGBoost model.

XGBoost Tree Ensemble Learner (Regression) Deprecated

Learns a tree based XGBoost model for regression.