
Local (deprecated)

This category contains 11 nodes.

R Learner Deprecated

Allows execution of R commands in a local R installation and build a R model.

R Predictor Deprecated

Allows to import a R model and predict given data by the use of the model.

R R-View Deprecated

Enables the usage of R views using the local R installation.

R Snippet Deprecated

Allows execution of R commands in a local R installation.

R Source (Table) Deprecated

A source node that reads data from R into KNIME.

R To PMML Deprecated

Converts a given R object into a corresponding PMML object.

R to Table Deprecated

Converts an R object into a KNIME data table.

R+Table to R Deprecated

Merges an optional data branch into an R workspace.

Table R-View Deprecated

Enables the usage of R views using the local R installation.

Table R-View Deprecated

Enables the usage of R views using the local R installation.