
Market Simulation

Market Simulation Nodes

This category contains 26 nodes.

Replicate Distributions 

The Replicate Distributions node extends the Output WTP Matrix with Product Attribute values from the Input Product Array and column values from the Input […]

Scale Demographic 

The Scale Demographic node scales the Willingness To Pay (WTP) of individual Customers after being segmented by a Demographic or Nominal Attribute.

Scale Distributions 

The Scale Distributions node scales the Willingness To Pay (WTP) Customer Distributions for select Products until a target Market Share is reached.

Scale Products 

The Scale Products node scales the Product Attributes found in the Input Product Array.

Scale Purchased 

The Scale Purchased node scales the Willingness To Pay (WTP) of individual Customers depending upon the Product they Purchased.

Simulate Market 

The Simulate Market node runs a single Market Simulation of Customers and Products.