

This category contains 1076 nodes.


Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation

IconNews API 

News API is a simple HTTP REST API for searching and retrieving live articles from all over the web. It can help you answer questions like: - What top […]

IconNodePit API 

This is the REST API for NodePit.

IconNodePit Power Nodes 

A collection of simple but helpful KNIME nodes that will empower and simplify your work, brought to you by NodePit.

IconOpen Legal Data 

With the Open Legal Data API you can access various data from the legal domain, e.g. law text or case files. The data may be used for semantic analysis or […]


The OpenAI REST API. Please see https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference for more details.


The Palladian Nodes are your survival toolkit in the daily jungle of Web Information Extraction, Text Classification, and Geo Data.


The Sentry Nodes allow accessing the whole functionality of Sentry from within the KNIME Analytics Platform. Fetch all of your data stored in Sentry, […]