

Nodes to interact with HTTP- and REST-based services and for parsing HTML data. Using the “HTTP Retriever” node, different HTTP methods can be executed: GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH. Utility nodes allow to convert HTTP payloads in different formats, see the “Form Encoded HTTP Entity Creator” and “Multipart Encoded HTTP Entity Creator”. For extracting data from HTML pages, use the “HTML Parser” node.

This category contains 26 nodes.

URL Domain Extractor Streamable

This node extracts the domain from a given URL.

URL Normalizer Streamable

The URL normalizer transforms URLs to a normalized and canonicalized representation.

URL Resolver Streamable

The URL resolver accesses the provided URLs and transforms them to their redirected URLs if necessary.

Web Page Content Extractor Streamable

Extractor for content from (X)HTML documents.

Web Searcher 

Query web search engines.

Web Searcher Deprecated

Query web search engines.