

Brevo provide a RESTFul API that can be used with any languages. With this API, you will be able to :

  • Manage your campaigns and get the statistics
  • Manage your contacts
  • Send transactional Emails and SMS
  • and much more...

You can download our wrappers at https://github.com/orgs/brevo

Possible responses

Code Message
200 OK. Successful Request
201 OK. Successful Creation
202 OK. Request accepted
204 OK. Successful Update/Deletion
400 Error. Bad Request
401 Error. Authentication Needed
402 Error. Not enough credit, plan upgrade needed
403 Error. Permission denied
404 Error. Object does not exist
405 Error. Method not allowed
406 Error. Not Acceptable
422 Error. Unprocessable Entity

This category contains 234 nodes.


Nodes for advanced configuration


Nodes for different authorization methods