
Transactional Emails

This category contains 21 nodes.

Get Scheduled Email by ID 

Fetch scheduled emails by batchId or messageId

Get SMTP Report 

Get your transactional email activity aggregated per day

Get SMTP Template 

Returns the template information

Get SMTP Templates 

Get the list of email templates

Get Transac Blocked Contacts 

Get the list of blocked or unsubscribed transactional contacts

Get Transac Email Content 

Get the personalized content of a sent transactional email

Get Transac Emails List 

Get the list of transactional emails on the basis of allowed filters

Send Test Template 

Send a template to your test list

Send Transac Email 

Send a transactional email

Unblock Transac Blocked Contact 

Unblock or resubscribe a transactional contact