

This category contains 23 nodes.

Number To String (PMML) Deprecated

Converts numbers in a column to strings.

Numeric Binner (PMML) Streamable

Group values of numeric columns categorized string type.

Numeric Binner (PMML) StreamableDeprecated

Group values of numeric columns categorized string type.

One to Many (PMML) 

Transforms the values of one column into appended columns.

One to Many (PMML) Deprecated

Transforms the values of one column into appended columns.

PMML to Cell 

Converts the PMML Port to a table containing the PMML cell.

Ruleset Editor Streamable

Edits PMML Rulesets.

Ruleset Predictor Streamable

Applies the rules to the input table.

Ruleset to Table 

Converts PMML RuleSets (with firstHit) to table containing the rules.

String To Number (PMML) Deprecated

Converts strings in a column to numbers.