
Quick Form (legacy)

This category contains 21 nodes.

Boolean Input (legacy) Deprecated

Outputs an integer flow variable with a given value (boolean).

Column Filter QuickForm (legacy) Deprecated

Takes a data table and returns an empty data table with only the selected columns.

Column Selection QuickForm (legacy) Deprecated

Takes a data table and returns a variable with the selected column name.

Date (String) Input (legacy) Deprecated

Outputs a date in a string flow variable with a given value.

Double Input (legacy) Deprecated

Outputs a double-precision floating point variable with a given value.

Dummy Input (legacy) Deprecated

Placeholder quickform input node that allows the user to force a break in the wizard execution.

File Download (legacy) Deprecated

Provides a KNIME quick form with a downloadable file.

File Upload (legacy) Deprecated

Quick Form node that allows uploading a file and exposing that uploaded file using a flow variable.

Image Output (legacy) Deprecated

Shows an image as (remote) quickform result.

Integer Input (legacy) Deprecated

Outputs an integer flow variable with a given value.