

TreeSHAP nodes by Morris Kurz, morriskurz@gmail.com

This category contains 6 nodes.

TreeSHAP Gradient Boosted Trees Streamable

Computes the SHAP values for gradient boosted trees quickly and exactly.

TreeSHAP Gradient Boosted Trees (Regression) Streamable

Computes the SHAP values for regression gradient boosted trees quickly and exactly.

TreeSHAP Random Forest Streamable

Computes the SHAP values for random forests quickly and exactly.

TreeSHAP Random Forest (Regression) Streamable

Computes the SHAP values for regression random forests quickly and exactly.

TreeSHAP Tree Ensemble Streamable

Computes the SHAP values for tree ensembles quickly and exactly.

TreeSHAP Tree Ensemble (Regression) Streamable

Computes the SHAP values for regression tree ensembles quickly and exactly.