

MOE group Output

This category contains 15 nodes.

ASCII Writer 

Writes a stream containing molecules and data to a ASCII text file.

Copy Molecule to Clipboard 

Copies the molecule in the selected field of the first data row in mdlmol format to the system clipboard.

Fasta Writer 

Writes sequences in FASTA format

MDB Writer 

Writes a stream containing molecules and/or basic datatypes to a MOE molecular database file.

MOE Grid Writer Streamable

Writes double ListCells to MOE Grid Files

MOE Model Writer 

Writes MOE model to a file

MOE Writer Streamable

Writes all molecules from a specific column to a directory.

PDB Writer Streamable

Writes all molecules from a specific column to a directory.

Pharmacophore Writer 

Writes MOE pharmacophore model to a file

Sequence Writer 

Writes a stream containing protein sequences to a sequence format file.