

This category contains 5320 nodes.

Read PNG Images Deprecated

Read PNG images from a list of URLs and append them as a new column.

Regression Predictor Deprecated

Predicts the response using a regression model.

Rep Tree Deprecated

Fast decision tree learner.

Ridor Deprecated

The implementation of a RIpple-DOwn rule learner.

RowID Deprecated

Node to replace the RowID and/or to create a column with the values of the current RowID.

Rule Engine Deprecated

Applies user-defined business rules to the input table

Rule2DPlotter Deprecated

Displays rules (both crisp and fuzzy) in two selectable dimensions.

Run R Model in Microsoft SQL Server Deprecated

Run R code with a pre-trained R model on a Microsoft SQL Server in a database.

Scatterplot (deprecated) Deprecated

This node is obsolete! Please use the new Scatter Plotter located in the Data Views category.

Scorer (deprecated) Deprecated

This node is obsolete! Please use the new Scorer node located in the Mining -> Scoring category.