

This category contains 5165 nodes.

Joiner (deprecated) Deprecated

This node is obsolete! Please use the new Joiner node located in the Data Manipulation -> Column category.

Joiner (deprecated) Deprecated

Joins two tables

JRip Deprecated

This class implements a propositional rule learner.

K Nearest Neighbor (Distance Function) Deprecated

Classifies a set of test data based on the k Nearest Neighbor algorithm using the training data.

KStar Deprecated

K* is an instance-based classifier, class is based upon the class of training instances similar to it.

LBR Deprecated

Lazy Bayesian Rules Classifier.

Least Median Square Deprecated

Implements a least median squared linear regression.

Linear Correlation Deprecated

Computes correlation coefficients for pairs of numeric or nominal columns.

Linear Regression Deprecated

Class for using linear regression for prediction.

Linear Regression Learner Deprecated

Performs a multivariate linear regression.