

This category contains 5320 nodes.

Flow Variable End IF Deprecated

Flow Variable End IF node to collect inactive and active branches and return an active port

Flow Variable IF Switch Deprecated

Flow variable IF switch to alter active branch of flow variable ports

Flow Variable IF Switch (Flow Variable Value) Deprecated

This node provides an IF switch which selects the active port based on the comparison of a flow variable with a user-entered value. The comparison […]

Fragments to MMPs Deprecated

This node generates matched molecular pairs (MMPs) from fragments generated using the Hussain and Rea algorithm

H2 Connector Deprecated

Create a database connection to H2.

HiLite Row Collector Deprecated

Node allows to apply annotations to sets of hilit rows within a view.

Histogram Chart (deprecated) Deprecated

Node to display a histogram chart with JFreeChart.

Hive Connector Deprecated

Create a database connection to Hive.

Hive Loader (legacy) Deprecated

Loads data from KNIME into Hive

HyperPipes Deprecated

Class implementing a HyperPipe classifier.