

This category contains 5399 nodes.

Decision Table Deprecated

Class for building and using a simple decision table majority classifier.

Decision Tree Learner Deprecated

Decision tree induction performed in memory.

Decision Tree Predictor Deprecated

Uses an existing decision tree to compute class labels for input vectors.

Distance Matrix Calculate Deprecated

Calculates distance matrix on input table and appends result as (typed) column.

Double Input (legacy) Deprecated

Outputs a double-precision floating point variable with a given value.

Download Deprecated

Download file or folder from a server.

Download / Upload from List Deprecated

Copy files contained in a list from one (remote) location to another.

Dummy Input (legacy) Deprecated

Placeholder quickform input node that allows the user to force a break in the wizard execution.

Empty Table Replacer Deprecated

Replaces an empty table with an inactive branch.

Enrichment Plotter Deprecated

Draws enrichment curves