IconMM Conformational search 1-4 

Extract ligands from PDB structures and run ConfGen. Compare the conformations in terms of RMSD and intramolecular distance. Extract conformer cluster […]

IconJobcontrol 1 

The Jobcontrol node can be used to list the currently and recently run jobs, display information on these jobs, list and inspect the corresponding files. It […]

IconGrid generation 1-3 

Align the binding site, and prepare PDB structures, generate the Glide grids and write them to disk. Analyze the protein-ligand complex composition and […]

IconEnsemble docking 

Dock ligands into multiple conformations of the binding site and report the best pose per ligand. [Requires: Glide]

IconMM Conformational search 1-2 

Extract ligands from PDB structures and run ConfGen. Compare the conformations in terms of RMSD and intramolecular distance. Extract conformer cluster […]

IconLigand alignment 

Ligand alignment in LiveDesign Ligand alignment on a template structure using Shape screening. The workflow is exported as Computational model in […]


Predict ligand states with Epik and report the ionization form matrix. Generate with LigPrep minimized ionization-tautomeric forms ready to be […]

IconInduced-fit docking 1-2 

Run the default Induced Fit Docking protocol or customize the individual stages. The visual representation of the protein-ligand complexes (molecular […]