


There has been no description set for this workflow's metadata.

(1) First “Find Elements” extracts the DIVs representing *one* pharmacy --> .apotheke(2) Further nodes extract name and price of each DIV extracted in (1) Node 12Select div withclass .apothekeAccept cookiesNode 16Get text contentSelect link class .nameSelect priceWait untilfurther resultshave loadedGet text contentNode 34Remove whitespaceNode 36Click“Lade weitere Apotheken” Start WebDriver Find Elements Click Find Elements ExtractOuter/InnerHTML Find Elements Find Elements Wait ExtractOuter/InnerHTML Quit WebDriver String Manipulation(Multi Column) Find Elements Click (1) First “Find Elements” extracts the DIVs representing *one* pharmacy --> .apotheke(2) Further nodes extract name and price of each DIV extracted in (1) Node 12Select div withclass .apothekeAccept cookiesNode 16Get text contentSelect link class .nameSelect priceWait untilfurther resultshave loadedGet text contentNode 34Remove whitespaceNode 36Click“Lade weitere Apotheken” Start WebDriver Find Elements Click Find Elements ExtractOuter/InnerHTML Find Elements Find Elements Wait ExtractOuter/InnerHTML Quit WebDriver String Manipulation(Multi Column) Find Elements Click


