

02_Tagging words with sentiment according to lists of positive and negative words
Custom Enrichment Reading textual data and transforming it in documents Tagging words with sentiment according to lists of positive and negative words Here, the enrichment step consists of tagging words based on sentiment, i.e. positive or negative, according to a list of positive and negative words.The node for this task is the Dictionary Tagger node. The list of positive words and negative words belonging to MPQA is available at: http://mpqa.cs.pitt.edu/corpora/mpqa_corpus/ A wildcard Tagger node is also used at the end to associate a few words with a named entity (NE) tag with value ORGANIZATIONS. Only documentsDictionary withterms containingwildcardsNo rowswith missingcontentCreate documentsfrom string textsPositivetaggingNegativetaggingTags wordsaccording to a wildcard or regular expressionRead string data fromKNIME ForumList ofpositive wordsList ofnegative words Column Filter Table Creator Row Filter Strings To Document Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Wildcard Tagger Table Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader Custom Enrichment Reading textual data and transforming it in documents Tagging words with sentiment according to lists of positive and negative words Here, the enrichment step consists of tagging words based on sentiment, i.e. positive or negative, according to a list of positive and negative words.The node for this task is the Dictionary Tagger node. The list of positive words and negative words belonging to MPQA is available at: http://mpqa.cs.pitt.edu/corpora/mpqa_corpus/ A wildcard Tagger node is also used at the end to associate a few words with a named entity (NE) tag with value ORGANIZATIONS. Only documentsDictionary withterms containingwildcardsNo rowswith missingcontentCreate documentsfrom string textsPositivetaggingNegativetaggingTags wordsaccording to a wildcard or regular expressionRead string data fromKNIME ForumList ofpositive wordsList ofnegative words Column Filter Table Creator Row Filter Strings To Document Dictionary Tagger Dictionary Tagger Wildcard Tagger Table Reader CSV Reader CSV Reader


