
Get all Data Definition Types

GoalRetreive all declared data types from with the KnimeGitHub Repository: https://github.com/knime/knime-corePurposeAutomatically fetch all Column Type DefintionsDefintions to i.e. declare them via a variable in theColumn Expression NodeCorresponding Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/column-expressions-guidance-dynamically-set-column-type/47003/3?u=mwiegand Possible Bug?All returned data types are of type string curlKnime Masterform GitHubKeep 1st RowSample DataSet Array Indexfor Column ExpressionColumn Type Bash Extract ContextProperties List Files/Folders String to Path(Variable) Table Rowto Variable Decompress Files Row Filter Bash Path to String Table Rowto Variable Test Data Generator Extract Table Spec Rule Engine Regex Extractor GroupBy Concatenate Delete Files/Folders(Table) Manually retreive all Data Typesfrom Column Expression Node GoalRetreive all declared data types from with the KnimeGitHub Repository: https://github.com/knime/knime-corePurposeAutomatically fetch all Column Type DefintionsDefintions to i.e. declare them via a variable in theColumn Expression NodeCorresponding Forum Posthttps://forum.knime.com/t/column-expressions-guidance-dynamically-set-column-type/47003/3?u=mwiegand Possible Bug?All returned data types are of type string curlKnime Masterform GitHubKeep 1st RowSample DataSet Array Indexfor Column ExpressionColumn Type Bash Extract ContextProperties List Files/Folders String to Path(Variable) Table Rowto Variable Decompress Files Row Filter Bash Path to String Table Rowto Variable Test Data Generator Extract Table Spec Rule Engine Regex Extractor GroupBy Concatenate Delete Files/Folders(Table) Manually retreive all Data Typesfrom Column Expression Node


