

Parse Contract Values
Use CaseThe company reads the pdf contracts, parses them, and extracts relevant information to save it in the tabular form.This workflow is a simplified version that reads contracts and parses only the contract values. For the sake of simplicity, we skip the part of parsing other relevant information,saving it in the tabular form, as well as we skip logging and error handling. The workflow segment that parses contract values is captured and saved. 1 Read PDF files 3 Capture the workflow segment parsing contract values and save it 2 Parse the contract values Parse Contract Values In the real world scenario, we would parse more data from the contracts, e.g.,name, surname, product, date, etc., and update the table "contracts" on, e.g., adatabase. Read new contractsfrom the pdf filesParse contractvalueStart capturingthe parsingEnd capturingthe parsingSave the parsingworkflowRemove redundantcolumns Tika Parser String Manipulation String To Number CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End Workflow Writer Column Filter Use CaseThe company reads the pdf contracts, parses them, and extracts relevant information to save it in the tabular form.This workflow is a simplified version that reads contracts and parses only the contract values. For the sake of simplicity, we skip the part of parsing other relevant information,saving it in the tabular form, as well as we skip logging and error handling. The workflow segment that parses contract values is captured and saved. 1 Read PDF files 3 Capture the workflow segment parsing contract values and save it 2 Parse the contract values Parse Contract Values In the real world scenario, we would parse more data from the contracts, e.g.,name, surname, product, date, etc., and update the table "contracts" on, e.g., adatabase. Read new contractsfrom the pdf filesParse contractvalueStart capturingthe parsingEnd capturingthe parsingSave the parsingworkflowRemove redundantcolumns Tika Parser String Manipulation String To Number CaptureWorkflow Start CaptureWorkflow End Workflow Writer Column Filter


