

This workflow read docx file with recipies, crawls an additional recipie, and extract and compares the used ingredients. Web Crawler Word document reading Word .docxdocumentingredientsparagraphskeep only ingredientsmissing fromthe local listtag cloudrenaming and filteringisolate ingredientspartHere we choosewhat to keep.Nouns, adjectives, allconcatenate allexisting ingredients(gray) with all new ingredients (red)transform todocument to use text processing nodesList of ingredientsin my own recipeURLto crawlHere we choosewhat to keep.Nouns, adjectives, allList of ingredientsfrom web recipe Tika Parser Sentence Extractor ReferenceRow Filter Tag Cloud Image to Report Rename Columns Ingredients only Text Processing Concatenate Strings To Document Bag Of WordsCreator Unique TermExtractor Table Creator Text Processing Bag Of WordsCreator Unique TermExtractor Webpage Retriever Parse ingredients This workflow read docx file with recipies, crawls an additional recipie, and extract and compares the used ingredients. Web Crawler Word document reading Word .docxdocumentingredientsparagraphskeep only ingredientsmissing fromthe local listtag cloudrenaming and filteringisolate ingredientspartHere we choosewhat to keep.Nouns, adjectives, allconcatenate allexisting ingredients(gray) with all new ingredients (red)transform todocument to use text processing nodesList of ingredientsin my own recipeURLto crawlHere we choosewhat to keep.Nouns, adjectives, allList of ingredientsfrom web recipe Tika Parser Sentence Extractor ReferenceRow Filter Tag Cloud Image to Report Rename Columns Ingredients only Text Processing Concatenate Strings To Document Bag Of WordsCreator Unique TermExtractor Table Creator Text Processing Bag Of WordsCreator Unique TermExtractor Webpage Retriever Parse ingredients


