

Fine-tune VGG16

In this workflow we are fine-tuning a VGG1G network, similar to "Fine-tune VGG16 (Python)". However, we won't make use of the DL Python Learner/Executor nodes, rather we use the DL Keras Network Learner and DL Network Executor to train and execute our networks in this workflow.

KNIME Deep Learning - Classify Cats and Dogs In this series of workflows we want to demonstrate how to solve an image classification problemusing KNIME Deep Learning - Keras integration.We want to train a model to distinguish cats and dogs on images. Replace layersRead in preprocessedimages from Workflow 01_Preprocessing.Join Prediction and actual dataAfter 20 EpochsPartition into trainingand test set> 0.5 is dogDownload network from Keras.Alternatively, you can also use theDL Keras Network Readerand load any other stored network.Replace layersExecute the trained networkFine-tune last layersFine-tune last layers andfirst convolutional layerAdjust images to matchtensorflow image iterationorder DL PythonNetwork Editor Table Reader Joiner Scorer Partitioning RowID Rule Engine DL PythonNetwork Creator DL PythonNetwork Editor DL Network Executor(deprecated) Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkLearner Dimension Swapper Preprocessing KNIME Deep Learning - Classify Cats and Dogs In this series of workflows we want to demonstrate how to solve an image classification problemusing KNIME Deep Learning - Keras integration.We want to train a model to distinguish cats and dogs on images. Replace layersRead in preprocessedimages from Workflow 01_Preprocessing.Join Prediction and actual dataAfter 20 EpochsPartition into trainingand test set> 0.5 is dogDownload network from Keras.Alternatively, you can also use theDL Keras Network Readerand load any other stored network.Replace layersExecute the trained networkFine-tune last layersFine-tune last layers andfirst convolutional layerAdjust images to matchtensorflow image iterationorder DL PythonNetwork Editor Table Reader Joiner Scorer Partitioning RowID Rule Engine DL PythonNetwork Creator DL PythonNetwork Editor DL Network Executor(deprecated) Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkLearner Dimension Swapper Preprocessing


