

Generating artificial association rules into existing shopping baskets
This workflows takes an existing set of shopping baskets and generates an artificial association rules based on the itemset. For more information see the workflow metadata. Find it here: View -> Description. apple, chips => gummi bearsIncrease support forapple, chips, gummi bearsGroup bybasketsFind rules / frequ. items One Rule Inserter Random ItemInserter GroupBy Generate Baskets AssociationRule Learner This workflows takes an existing set of shopping baskets and generates an artificial association rules based on the itemset. For more information see the workflow metadata. Find it here: View -> Description. apple, chips => gummi bearsIncrease support forapple, chips, gummi bearsGroup bybasketsFind rules / frequ. items One Rule Inserter Random ItemInserter GroupBy Generate Baskets AssociationRule Learner


