

MongoDB Bulk Size
This workflow demonstrates, bulk size writing operation to Mongo DB Collection. The "Timer Info"shows execution time of both MongoDB Writer nodes, each with different Bulk size.Please ensure not to run both nodes simultaneously on same collection, otherwise write operationwill break. This workflow demonstrates the speedup of different bulk sizes when writing to MongoDB.To get started for free register for a MongoDB Atlas account at: https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register Establish connectionwith AtlasEmpty query returns resultjust like .find() function would.Bulk Size of 500Timer Info on execution statusof Bulk writingBulk Size of 25000 MongoDB Connector MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Writer Timer Info MongoDB Writer This workflow demonstrates, bulk size writing operation to Mongo DB Collection. The "Timer Info"shows execution time of both MongoDB Writer nodes, each with different Bulk size.Please ensure not to run both nodes simultaneously on same collection, otherwise write operationwill break. This workflow demonstrates the speedup of different bulk sizes when writing to MongoDB.To get started for free register for a MongoDB Atlas account at: https://www.mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/register Establish connectionwith AtlasEmpty query returns resultjust like .find() function would.Bulk Size of 500Timer Info on execution statusof Bulk writingBulk Size of 25000MongoDB Connector MongoDB Aggregation MongoDB Writer Timer Info MongoDB Writer


