
Event Log Filtering & Discovery

Event Log Filtering & DiscoveryIn this example the event log from the BPI challenge 2019 is taken, converted to a data table and filtered based on thematching process (3-way matching invoice before goods receipt / 3-way matching invoice after goods receipt / 2-waymatching & consignment). In the next step is converted back to an event log and then 1) for the 3 way match after the goods receipt visualized2) the inductive miner used for a process tree3) DFM Miner used for a directly follows modelFor this exercise the data set can be found here: https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/BPI_Challenge_2019/12715853/1 Node 5 3 way match after GRNode 45Node 513 way match before GR2 way matchConsignmentNode 55Node 56Node 57Node 59Node 60Node 64Node 65Node 66XLog2TableConverter Row Filter Table2XLogConverter Date&Time-basedRow Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Table2XLogConverter Table2XLogConverter Table2XLogConverter Inductive Miner PT2PN Converter Event LogVisualisation DFM Miner Event Log Reader Event Log Filtering & DiscoveryIn this example the event log from the BPI challenge 2019 is taken, converted to a data table and filtered based on thematching process (3-way matching invoice before goods receipt / 3-way matching invoice after goods receipt / 2-waymatching & consignment). In the next step is converted back to an event log and then 1) for the 3 way match after the goods receipt visualized2) the inductive miner used for a process tree3) DFM Miner used for a directly follows modelFor this exercise the data set can be found here: https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/BPI_Challenge_2019/12715853/1 Node 53 way match after GRNode 45Node 513 way match before GR2 way matchConsignmentNode 55Node 56Node 57Node 59Node 60Node 64Node 65Node 66XLog2TableConverter Row Filter Table2XLogConverter Date&Time-basedRow Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Table2XLogConverter Table2XLogConverter Table2XLogConverter Inductive Miner PT2PN Converter Event LogVisualisation DFM Miner Event Log Reader


