

Applying Optimized Threshold from Binary Calssification Inspector
Comparing ROC, Confusion Matrix and Peformance metrics of Several Binary Classifers Visualize trained models performance, select model, select threshold Apply Binary Classification Threshold to PMML Predictor Apply Binary Classification Threshold to Workflow Object Predictor no interactionswhere appliedto this viewselect gradient boosted treesscore new datatake out string prediction based on default thresholdapply optimized thresholdtrained model using Integrated Deploymenttake out string predictionbased on default thresholdapply optimized thresholddata where Target column is knownand preds are appliednew data where Target column is unkowntrained modelnew data where Target column is unkownselect the threshold Binary ClassificationInspector Row Filter PMML Predictor Column Filter Rule Engine Workflow Executor Create WorkflowPredictor Column Filter Rule Engine Table Reader Table Reader PMML Reader Table Reader Table Columnto Variable Comparing ROC, Confusion Matrix and Peformance metrics of Several Binary Classifers Visualize trained models performance, select model, select threshold Apply Binary Classification Threshold to PMML Predictor Apply Binary Classification Threshold to Workflow Object Predictor no interactionswhere appliedto this viewselect gradient boosted treesscore new datatake out string prediction based on default thresholdapply optimized thresholdtrained model using Integrated Deploymenttake out string predictionbased on default thresholdapply optimized thresholddata where Target column is knownand preds are appliednew data where Target column is unkowntrained modelnew data where Target column is unkownselect the threshold Binary ClassificationInspector Row Filter PMML Predictor Column Filter Rule Engine Workflow Executor Create WorkflowPredictor Column Filter Rule Engine Table Reader Table Reader PMML Reader Table Reader Table Columnto Variable


