

use R to list excel sheet names

use R package readxl to list all sheets of excel files from a folder

https://forum.knime.com/t/read-excel-sheet-names/19069/6?u=mlauber71https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17944777/how-to-extract-sheet-names-from-excel-file-in-r use R package readxl to list all sheets of excel files from a folder KNIME and R — installation across operating systems — some remarkshttps://medium.com/p/6494a2a498cc extract nameslibrary(readxl)path <- knime.flow.in[["File path"]]v_sheets <- excel_sheets(path=path)knime.out <- as.data.frame(v_sheets)just to get R starting$v_sheets$ = "Confirmation" => TRUEv_path_resultlist xlsx filesSTART Outer loopimport "Confirmation"var_table_name_locationwrite resultEND Outer loop URL to FilePath (Variable) R Snippet R Source (Table) Rule-basedRow Filter Empty Table Switch End IF Java EditVariable (simple) List Files/Folders Path to URI Table Row ToVariable Loop Start URL to File Path Table Rowto Variable Excel Reader String to Path(Variable) Table Writer Variable toTable Row Loop End https://forum.knime.com/t/read-excel-sheet-names/19069/6?u=mlauber71https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17944777/how-to-extract-sheet-names-from-excel-file-in-r use R package readxl to list all sheets of excel files from a folder KNIME and R — installation across operating systems — some remarkshttps://medium.com/p/6494a2a498cc extract nameslibrary(readxl)path <- knime.flow.in[["File path"]]v_sheets <- excel_sheets(path=path)knime.out <- as.data.frame(v_sheets)just to get R starting$v_sheets$ = "Confirmation" => TRUEv_path_resultlist xlsx filesSTART Outer loopimport "Confirmation"var_table_name_locationwrite resultEND Outer loop URL to FilePath (Variable) R Snippet R Source (Table) Rule-basedRow Filter Empty Table Switch End IF Java EditVariable (simple) List Files/Folders Path to URI Table Row ToVariable Loop Start URL to File Path Table Rowto Variable Excel Reader String to Path(Variable) Table Writer Variable toTable Row Loop End


