

use the Wait node to execute a database query at fixed times (preparation workflow)

use the Wait node to execute a database query at fixed times (preparation workflow)
001 - prepare the meta data and simulate changing files

Please note: If the time of day has passed when the workflow reaches the Wait node it will wait until the same time next day!

use the Wait node to execute a database query at fixed times (preparation workflow)001 - prepare the meta data and simulate changing filesPlease note: If the time of day has passed when the workflow reaches the Wait node it will wait until the same time next day! simulate changing files that are written to the disk../data/trigger_file.csv knime://knime.workflow/../data/database.h2add_secondsexecutiontimeadd secondscurrent_timecurrent_timev_seconds_intervalv_number_of_intervalscreate listof timestampsSTARTcreate listof timestampsENDadd_secondssimulate therenewal of the trigger fileSTARTsimulateHoursMinutesSecondsHourMinutesSeconds=> if the time is before theexecution time of current daythis will wait till next dayENDsimulatetrigger_file.csvASCinitially create the trigger_file.csvand the "trigger_meta_list" database that would store all the list results for this fileist_times.tableknime://knime.workflow/../data/list_times.tablesample_00 ist thedatabase that would be altered/filled withdata once the trigger_file.csv has been altered H2 Connector Table Creator Create Date&TimeRange Date&Time Shift String to Date&Time Table Rowto Variable ConstantValue Column IntegerConfiguration IntegerConfiguration Counting Loop Start Merge Variables Loop End Math Formula Partitioning Chunk Loop Start Extract Date&TimeFields Table Rowto Variable Wait... Variable Loop End CSV Writer Sorter trigger_file.csv /trigger_meta_list Table Writer Table Reader sample_00 use the Wait node to execute a database query at fixed times (preparation workflow)001 - prepare the meta data and simulate changing filesPlease note: If the time of day has passed when the workflow reaches the Wait node it will wait until the same time next day! simulate changing files that are written to the disk../data/trigger_file.csv knime://knime.workflow/../data/database.h2add_secondsexecutiontimeadd secondscurrent_timecurrent_timev_seconds_intervalv_number_of_intervalscreate listof timestampsSTARTcreate listof timestampsENDadd_secondssimulate therenewal of the trigger fileSTARTsimulateHoursMinutesSecondsHourMinutesSeconds=> if the time is before theexecution time of current daythis will wait till next dayENDsimulatetrigger_file.csvASCinitially create the trigger_file.csvand the "trigger_meta_list" database that would store all the list results for this fileist_times.tableknime://knime.workflow/../data/list_times.tablesample_00 ist thedatabase that would be altered/filled withdata once the trigger_file.csv has been alteredH2 Connector Table Creator Create Date&TimeRange Date&Time Shift String to Date&Time Table Rowto Variable ConstantValue Column IntegerConfiguration IntegerConfiguration Counting Loop Start Merge Variables Loop End Math Formula Partitioning Chunk Loop Start Extract Date&TimeFields Table Rowto Variable Wait... Variable Loop End CSV Writer Sorter trigger_file.csv /trigger_meta_list Table Writer Table Reader sample_00


