

add fields to Hive table

Use KNIME and Hive/SQL syntax to add columnd to a Big Data table
(migrated to KNIME 4.0 and new DB nodes)

Use KNIME and Hive/SQL syntax to add columnd to a Big Data table(migrated to KNIME 4.0 and new DB nodes)https://forum.knime.com/t/database-query-node-error/14569 SELECT * , CAST(NULL AS BIGINT) as new_number, CAST("" AS STRING) as new_stringFROM #table# ALTER TABLE data1 ADD COLUMNS (new_column BIGINT ) ALTER TABLE data1 ADD COLUMNS (test VARCHAR(25)) /big_data//data/1st cretae (empty)hive tabledrop data2load datainto hivetableSELECT * FROM data2 ADD COLUMNS (new_column BIGINT )2 new variablesSELECT * FROM data1ADD COLUMNS (test VARCHAR(25))new_data1retrievedata1drop data11st cretae (empty)hive tabledata1load datainto hivetabledata1 Table Creator Metadata forBig Data Create Local BigData Environment DB Table Creator DB Table Remover DB Loader DB Table Selector DB SQL Executor DB Query DB Table Selector DB SQL Executor DB Reader DB ConnectionTable Writer DB Query Reader DB Table Remover DB Table Creator DB Loader Use KNIME and Hive/SQL syntax to add columnd to a Big Data table(migrated to KNIME 4.0 and new DB nodes)https://forum.knime.com/t/database-query-node-error/14569 SELECT * , CAST(NULL AS BIGINT) as new_number, CAST("" AS STRING) as new_stringFROM #table# ALTER TABLE data1 ADD COLUMNS (new_column BIGINT ) ALTER TABLE data1 ADD COLUMNS (test VARCHAR(25)) /big_data//data/1st cretae (empty)hive tabledrop data2load datainto hivetableSELECT * FROM data2 ADD COLUMNS (new_column BIGINT )2 new variablesSELECT * FROM data1ADD COLUMNS (test VARCHAR(25))new_data1retrievedata1drop data11st cretae (empty)hive tabledata1load datainto hivetabledata1Table Creator Metadata forBig Data Create Local BigData Environment DB Table Creator DB Table Remover DB Loader DB Table Selector DB SQL Executor DB Query DB Table Selector DB SQL Executor DB Reader DB ConnectionTable Writer DB Query Reader DB Table Remover DB Table Creator DB Loader


