

Some CV statisticseach iteration a different parameter combinationor feature set to be testedparallelize on:parameter optim.feature select.Score Loop End GroupBy X-Partitioner Chunk Loop Start Loop End Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Parse row Parse input Learning andPrediction ContainerOutput (Table) Catch Errors(Data Ports) Table Creator Try (Data Ports) Math Formula Parallel Chunk End ParallelChunk Start Some CV statisticseach iteration a different parameter combinationor feature set to be testedparallelize on:parameter optim.feature select.Score Loop End GroupBy X-Partitioner Chunk Loop Start Loop End Table Row to Variable(deprecated) Parse row Parse input Learning andPrediction ContainerOutput (Table) Catch Errors(Data Ports) Table Creator Try (Data Ports) Math Formula Parallel Chunk End ParallelChunk Start


