

Read Images and Train VGG
Read Images and Train VGG This workflow reads image patches downloaded and prepared by theprevious workflows in the workflow group. It loads the VGG16 model, trainsand fine tunes the output layers. Predictions are made on the hold-out set ofimages. Reading testing patchesGroup by imageReading ~75k patchesRead pretrained VGG16an prepare for finetuningOne-hot-encodingof target classGet predicted class as numberfrom network outputDetermine maxclassClass as numberto classOne-hot-encodingof target class Table Reader GroupBy Table Reader Model Writer DL PythonNetwork Creator Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkExecutor Column Expressions String Replacer Many to One Column Expressions Scorer Column Expressions Read Images and Train VGG This workflow reads image patches downloaded and prepared by theprevious workflows in the workflow group. It loads the VGG16 model, trainsand fine tunes the output layers. Predictions are made on the hold-out set ofimages. Reading testing patchesGroup by imageReading ~75k patchesRead pretrained VGG16an prepare for finetuningOne-hot-encodingof target classGet predicted class as numberfrom network outputDetermine maxclassClass as numberto classOne-hot-encodingof target class Table Reader GroupBy Table Reader Model Writer DL PythonNetwork Creator Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkExecutor Column Expressions String Replacer Many to One Column Expressions Scorer Column Expressions


