

Call Local Workflow Demo

This workflow shows how to use the Call Local workflow node, which can execute another workflow in your local repository. This is really handsome, e.g. for reusing functionality.

We workflow performs a prediction task; it scores the german credit data via a previously built model. The predictor workflow is called once per input line, i.e. once for each credit customer. The input and output parameters are transferred in JSON format between the workflows.

A consumer workflow that uses another workflow to do the work. Please download the toplevel workflowgroup, containing the workflowgroups "_workflows" to your local harddisk, for executing this workflow. German CreditConverts each lineinto one jsonCall predictor onceper lineReconvert the calculated predictionsinto data cellsFiltering File Reader Table to JSON Call Local Workflow(Row Based) JSON to Table Column Filter A consumer workflow that uses another workflow to do the work. Please download the toplevel workflowgroup, containing the workflowgroups "_workflows" to your local harddisk, for executing this workflow. German CreditConverts each lineinto one jsonCall predictor onceper lineReconvert the calculated predictionsinto data cellsFiltering File Reader Table to JSON Call Local Workflow(Row Based) JSON to Table Column Filter


