

KNIME Server License Information

This workflow connects to the KNIME Server REST API and retrieves information about currently used licenses.

The workflow can be run from any KNIME Analytics Platform that has access to a KNIME Server, or as a WebPortal application on a KNIME Server. Be sure to specify the KNIME Server address including the trailing slash e.g. https://localhost/

KNIME Server License InformationThis workflow connects to the KNIME Server REST API and retrievesinformation about currently used licenses. Enter KNIME Servercredentials GET Request Column Splitter Column Splitter Parse response Active Users Active Consumers General LicenseInformation KNIME Server License InformationThis workflow connects to the KNIME Server REST API and retrievesinformation about currently used licenses. Enter KNIME Servercredentials GET Request Column Splitter Column Splitter Parse response Active Users Active Consumers General LicenseInformation


