

Analyzing Churn Models with the Binary Classification Inspector

This workflow demonstrates the functionality of the Binary Classification Inspector node. It produces a complex view made of four different charts in order to compare, optimize and select predictions of different binary classifiers.

It is possible to compare a number of binary classifier machine learning models predicting the same target on the same test data using performance metrics and ROC curves. Here four machine learning models are used: Naive Bayes, Random Forest, Gradient Boosted Trees, Logistic Regression and Decision Tree.

By moving a threshold slider in the interactive view you can optimize a model by finding the best threshold given a performance metric of your choice.

It is possible to interactively select a given type of predictions (e.g. true positives) of one of the models and export them at the output of the node

Learn models based on different algorithms Predict different models Filter out the probability columns of the different algorithms, rename the columnsto the algorithm which has been used for identification in the BinaryClassification Inspector. To make use of colors within the View you have to create atable with the exact names of the probability columns andafterwards you can color those with the color manager. The view can be opened by executing the node andafterwards right clickling on the node "Interactive View:..." orjust right clicking on "Execute and Open Views" in case thenode hasn't been executed yet. Data preparation such as joining tables,converting column types and partitioning. Table with updated predictionsuse naive bayesmodel to predict classes Gradient BoostedTrees Learner Random ForestLearner LogisticRegression Learner Decision TreePredictor Logistic RegressionPredictor Gradient BoostedTrees Predictor Naive Bayes Learner Random ForestPredictor Table Writer Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename DecisionTree Learner Table Creator Color Manager Binary ClassificationInspector Column Filter Column Rename Churn DataPreparation Naive BayesPredictor Append ProbabilityColumns Learn models based on different algorithms Predict different models Filter out the probability columns of the different algorithms, rename the columnsto the algorithm which has been used for identification in the BinaryClassification Inspector. To make use of colors within the View you have to create atable with the exact names of the probability columns andafterwards you can color those with the color manager. The view can be opened by executing the node andafterwards right clickling on the node "Interactive View:..." orjust right clicking on "Execute and Open Views" in case thenode hasn't been executed yet. Data preparation such as joining tables,converting column types and partitioning. Table with updated predictionsuse naive bayesmodel to predict classesGradient BoostedTrees Learner Random ForestLearner LogisticRegression Learner Decision TreePredictor Logistic RegressionPredictor Gradient BoostedTrees Predictor Naive Bayes Learner Random ForestPredictor Table Writer Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename Column Rename DecisionTree Learner Table Creator Color Manager Binary ClassificationInspector Column Filter Column Rename Churn DataPreparation Naive BayesPredictor Append ProbabilityColumns


