ARIMA Predictor

Computes predictions from an estimated AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model.

Two types of predictions are computed:
1. Forecast: forecast of the given time series h periods ahead.
2. In-Sample Prediction: generates prediction in the range of the training data.
%%00009* If Dynamic is enabled lagged predictions are used, otherwise lagged true values are used.
%%00009* Level setting determines whether in-sample differenced or original values are output. If no differencing in ARIMA model, this setting has no effect.

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Preferances > KNIME > Python (labs) > Python environment configuration
is set to bundled


Check this box to use in-sample predictions as lagged values. Otherwise use true values.
Number of periods to forecast
How many periods ahead should be forecasted.
*Only affects models with a non-zero value for the "I" component.%%00010linear: linear prediction of the differenced time series.%%00010levels: predict the values of the original time series.

Input Ports

ARIMA Model.

Output Ports

Forecasted values and their standard errors.
Model predictions on data points in the training data. Caclulated according to Level and Type configurations.


