
Calculate week start and end

Dates as stringsConvert toDat&Timegrab day of the week(number)convert todurationadd durationsignifiercalculate# of days to subtract forweek startcalculate# of days to add forweek endadd durationsignifiercalculate weekstartcalculate weekendcleanupcleanupTable Creator String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields String to Duration Number To String String Manipulation Math Formula Math Formula String Manipulation Date&Time Shift Date&Time Shift Column Filter Column Rename Dates as stringsConvert toDat&Timegrab day of the week(number)convert todurationadd durationsignifiercalculate# of days to subtract forweek startcalculate# of days to add forweek endadd durationsignifiercalculate weekstartcalculate weekendcleanupcleanupTable Creator String to Date&Time Extract Date&TimeFields String to Duration Number To String String Manipulation Math Formula Math Formula String Manipulation Date&Time Shift Date&Time Shift Column Filter Column Rename


