

This directory contains 5 workflows.

Icon01. Remote Workflow Execution 

Exercise 01. Remote Workflow Execution This example workflow implements a basic customer segmentation through a clustering procedure on a preconfigured […]

Icon02 Data app - 2 Views 

Create an interactive dashboard in 3 steps: Netflix dataset This workflow creates an interactive visualization dashboard of the "Netflix Movies and TV […]

Icon03. Data app - Single View 

Create an interactive dashboard in 3 steps: Netflix dataset This workflow creates an interactive visualization dashboard of the "Netflix Movies and TV […]

Icon04. Data app - File Up- and Download 

Create an interactive dashboard in 3 steps: Netflix dataset This workflow creates an interactive visualization dashboard of the "Netflix Movies and TV […]

Icon05. Modelling Workflow with Integrated Deployment 

This workflow shows a simple example of churn prediction with interactive threshold optimization. This workflow is used for showcasing Integrated Deployment […]