Node Connectivity

There are 33 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type org.uni_leipzig.biggr.ports.FlinkPortObject.


Counts all nodes and edges per graph in the collection.


Creates the union/intersection/difference of two graph collections.

Graphs -> Graph 

Combines all graphs in a collection into one logical graph.


Limits the number of graphs in a collection to the specified maximum.


Filter logical graphs from a graph collection based on their associated graph head.

CSV DataSource 

Loads graph data from a directory containing a logical graph or a graph collection in Gradoop CSV format.

Customizable CSV Reader 

Load a graph from different vertex and edge csv files. The vertices and edges can be in an external representation.

EdgeList DataSource 

Load graph data from a directory containing a file representing (labeled-)edge list.

GDL DataSource 

Reads a graph collection from a GDL string.

CSV DataSink 

Writes Gradoop graphs as CSV into a directory.