Node Connectivity

There are 201 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type Flow Variable.

Upload File To SharePoint (with conn) 

Uploads a file to your SharePoint

Checkin SP File 

Perform checkin function on a Sharepoint file

Checkout SP File 

Perform checkout function on a Sharepoint file

Create SP Folder 

Creates a new folder in your SharePoint

Delete SP File 

Deletes a file in your SharePoint

Delete SP Folder 

Deletes a folder in your SharePoint

Download File From SP 

Download a file from your SharePoint

Get SP AccessToken 

Generates a rest access token to your SharePoint

Get SP AccessToken as String 

Generates a rest access token to your SharePoint (return string variable)


Moves a file in your SharePoint to a new location