Node Connectivity

There are 175 nodes that can be used as predessesor for a node with an input port of type URI Object.

Don't Save End (URI Port) 

Ends a block of a workflow that is reset once this node is executed, deleting all intermediate results.

Don't Save Start (URI Port) 

Starts a workflow block that is reset automatically once the corresponding Don't Save End is executed.


This nodes takes two files (file lists) as input and outputs a merged list of both inputs.


This node takes a list of files as input and outputs a split list of three output files plus the rest of the files in the fourth output.


Converts an Image Port to a File port by saving it as png.





File Cells to Port 

Turns a table with file store cells into a port object for use with Generic KNIME Nodes.

Directory Prefix Loader 

Create a prefix port based on directory and filename prefix.

File Importer 

Locate and potentially import one or multiple files from a file system which can serve as input to another Generic KNIME Node.