Node Connectivity

There are 48 nodes that can be used as successor for a node with an output port of type DL4J Model.

Keras LSTM Layer Deprecated

Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) layer.

Keras Simple RNN Layer 

Simple RNN layer.

Keras Simple RNN Layer Deprecated

Simple RNN layer.

Active Learning Loop End 

The loop end node for an active learning loop.

Active Learning Loop Start 

The loop start node for an active learning loop.

DL4J Feedforward Learner (legacy) Deprecated

Learner for Feedforward Deep Learning Models.

DL4J Model Writer Deprecated

Writing of Deep Learning Models.

DL4J Model Writer (legacy) 

Writes Deep Learning model port objects to a file.

Convolution Layer (legacy) 

Convolutional layer.

LRN Layer (legacy) 

Local Response Normalization layer.