PDF Parser

This node allows you to read PDF documents and create a document for each file. The documents title and authors will be extracted form the PDFs meta data. The full text of the PDF is extracted, the structure of the PDF is not taken into account. For text extraction the PDFBox library is used. (see http://pdfbox.apache.org/ for details).


Document directory
Set the directory containing the files to parse.
Search recursively
If checked, the specified directory is searched for files recursively.
Ignore hidden files
If checked, hidden files will not be considered for parsing.
Document category
Specifies the category of the documents.
Document source
Specifies the source of the documents.
Document type
Specifies the type of the documents.
Specifies the charset of the documents.
Word tokenizer
Select the tokenizer used for word tokenization. Go to Preferences -> KNIME -> Textprocessing to read the description for each tokenizer.

Input Ports

This node has no input ports

Output Ports

An output table containing the parsed document data.

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