
Workflow Invocation

This category contains 22 nodes.

Container Input (File) 

Receives an external file (e.g. provided via an upload) and exposes it via a flow variable.

Container Input (Raw HTTP) 

Reads the body, headers, and the query string from an HTTP request calling the workflow and outputs it in 3 different tables.

Container Input (Row) 

Receives a row from an external caller (i.e. the Call Local/Remote Workflow (Row Based) nodes or via REST)

Container Input (Table) 

Reads the content of a table from an external caller (e.g the Call Workflow (Table Based) node).

Container Input (Variable) 

Injects flow variables optionally defined by a specification to the workflow.

Container Input (Variable) Deprecated

Injects flow variables to the workflow.

Container Output (File) 

Makes a file in the workflow accessible to an external caller.

Container Output (Raw HTTP) 

This node produces a raw HTTP response with headers, body, and status code configurable via the input tables and dialog options. The headers are sent back […]

Container Output (Row) 

Reads the content of a table and makes its first row available to an external caller (e.g. a Call Local/Remote Workflow (Row Based) node).

Container Output (Table) 

Reads the content of a table and makes it available to an external caller (e.g a Call Workflow node).