

This category contains 28 nodes.

Local Thresholding (deprecated) Streamable

Performs an efficient local binary thresholding on an input image.

Maximum Finder Streamable

Find local maxima on an n-dimensional image.

Multilevel Thresholding Streamable

Performs an efficient multilevel thresholding on an input image. This node was implemented by Markus Friedrich (University of Konstanz, […]

OrientationJ Measurement Streamable

Extracts the features energy, orientation and coherency from images.

Projector Streamable

Projects one dimension of the image onto the other ones.

Spot Detection Streamable

Based on "Extraction of spots in biological images using multiscale products".

Thinning Streamable

Reduce an image to its skeleton, a simplified representation which is topologically equivalent.

Ultrametric Contour Map Streamable

Returns a UCM based on a given boundary labeling and an image containing boundary weights.