

This category contains 43 nodes.

Abner Filter Deprecated

Filters terms with certain biomedical named entity tags.

Case Converter Streamable

Converts document terms to lower or upper case.

Case converter Deprecated

Converts terms to lower or upper case.

Diacritic Remover Streamable

Removes diacritical marks in a document

Dict Replacer Deprecated

Replaces whole terms that match with dictionary keys with corresponding specified values.

Dict Replacer (2 in ports) Deprecated

Replaces complete terms that match with dictionary keys by corresponding specified values.

Dictionary Filter Streamable

Filters terms in documents that are contained in the dictionary column.

Dictionary Replacer Streamable

Replaces complete document terms that match with dictionary keys by corresponding specified values.

Dictionary Replacer (File-based) Streamable

Replaces document terms that match with dictionary keys by the corresponding specified values.

French Treebank Filter Deprecated

Filters terms with certain French Treebank tags.